Have you got a market validation strategy yet?

In startup, it is a lot about building a MVP and test them as soon as possible. This is so that we can validate if our ideas do have actual customers, not just an assumption. Now, here comes a very interesting stage, you have the product, you developed the concepts, but how do you find those customers?

Although people always emphasize on validating the ideas, the method itself is often missed out from the general guides. To ensure the success of the startup, one must know how to do this. You can have a great product, but if you cannot locate and find your customers, there will be no business and failure is just a matter of time.

Searching online for market reports and trend analysis helps you to understand the direction where the world is going, and what people are looking for. However, it will not gives you a solid evidence that your idea, your product will get any share out of it. You need to get a number for people who will actually buy your product.

Setting up a landing page website sounds like a good idea, but it mainly helps people to find out more about your products rather than actually acquiring them. Your potential customers need to know you exists and find you in the first place. It is very difficult to be seen in world wide web when there is so many informations out there. It is not very effective.

How about pitching ideas? The audience in this group are most likely some investors, entrepreneurs, and developers. Unless those are your target customers, then it is unlikely that you will get a proper customer validation too.

Everyone likes videos, so how about making some videos and try explaining what is the idea? Yes, it is going to be more attractive and if it is well made, there is also a potential to be viral on the internet and you get free publicity and reach out your target customer. However, such method will requires a very creative content, talented video production team and time. After you produce a video, you will also need to ensure the video reach your target customers. Otherwise, you just wasted a lot of time in producing a video where nobody watches.

After a lot of trial and errors, I learnt that there is a need of a good market validation strategy. Without them, we will just be going nowhere like a headless chicken. Without a good validation strategy, you are not giving your ideas any justice…

So, have you got a market validation strategy yet?

Remember, your customers will not automatically come to you, you need to find them and get them.

Here is a few questions to help kick start the validation process.

  • Who do you assumed will buy your solution?
  • Where will they be?
  • How do you get to them?
  • If you see them, what do you need from them to validate your idea? What is the call to action?
  • Can you follow up on them afterwards?