The untold story of the beginning of my startup.

People founded a startup for different reasons. I have been asked a few times why I am working on my startup. The truth is, purpose of working for and founding a company of my own didn’t really cross my mind. I didn’t want to create a company because startup is cool and fun. I founded the company and developing this technology because I wish to make our world a safer and better place.

I grow up in a beautiful contry call Malaysia. A country full of beautiful scenery, friendly people and amazing culture. However, life back home are getting more and more worrying. Crimes and violence are everyday news, and happened all around the country. People are scared, even when they are at home. We bar ourselves and lock every door and windows to prevent any intruder from coming in to our house. In a way, our home becomes a prison itself. Rather to contain criminal from coming out, we are actually prisoning ourselves at home to prevent any intruder from coming in. It is not just a matter of paranoid, but a feeling of that unfortunate incidence like those reported in news can happened to any of us, at any time of the day.

Here is a video showing 17 minutes of horror captured by video camera. Even I couldnt bear watching the whole 17 minutes of it. Witnessing the possibility of that those things can happen so spontaneously is enough to make anyone paranoid about their safety. Robbery happened on bright day light on the street. Criminals barge into home to rob the family. Not only people loss their valuable items and money, home is no longer the same. Life is no longer the same. Law failed protect us. Existing home security systems and CCTV also failed to prevent the crime. How can anyone actually feel safe?

I asked myself many times, is there anything I can do to change the world to a better place? Even if I am at the crime scene, will I be able to protect anyone as I am only a mere mortal?

As one person, I have very limited power and often we can be very helpless. However, I discover that there are things that I am good at. I love science and enjoy developing technology. So, maybe there is just a way that I can solve this problem through technology and save many people life. And I am fortunate enough to meet a few people along the way to help build this vision and technology together. Together, we started working on a simple idea to improve people life and develop a new technology to make us safe and better.

And so here is the story of the beginning of Pre.sense.

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