Use talents wisely is like playing a good chess game

It is wrong to blame fault on anyone who are working with you. It is a leader role to recognise well what they can do and utilise their best skills and knowledge. Like playing a chess game, we cannot ask the knight to move straight, nor the rook to move in L shape. It is not only wrong but also you are not considering using their unique abilities.

So if something is not doing right in the company, think of what we may have amiss and if we have places our people in the wrong tasks. Assign them to the right place and get the right people to do the right work, things will then get into order.

Let’s play a good chess game.

Keep conversation positive.

For the last few months, I have experience something that can be potentially dangerous in conversation. That is, the potential of what you said being translated to something else that you didn’t mean to be. Those unintended outcome could have an adverse effects.

For instance, in two social events, I mentioned that it is not easy being a full-time co-founder on my own while others are working on part time in the team. Because quite often, we can easily feel like we are doing most of the works (of course, this is not true, we won’t be this far without help from everyone in the team. But tiredness and stress can be a dangerous psychological effect, making things sounds negative easily). However, to my horror is that my message was somehow interpreted differently. From doing most of the work sometimes becomes doing all of the work. There is actually a huge difference in meanings!

So it becomes apparent that it is very important to aware what you say. Especially on something that may contains some form of negativity, the meaning can be misinterpreted and made worse. Especially when you are in a higher up position, whatever you say can have a great impact on the morale of the company and the perception of the company. People become leaders for many reasons, and one of the important factor is the ability to contain their thoughts and speak wisely. In addition, if we can always keep making ourselves thinking positively, our brain will also evolve to have a stronger mindset and better emotion control, which ultimately can help us happier and have a stronger will power.

My learning taught me that always keep the meaning positive, if not neutral. If something you say may come across negatively, try not to say it at all. Unless, you are in a mentoring position giving advices.

” Think twice, speak wisely.”