Placebo effect of doing something

When we have a problem we have to solve, we would want to do something. Even though it may not actually helping the conditions, the effect of doing something itself, with the thought of it will helps, creates a stimulation for our mind to think positively.

In short, it is just another placebo effect. When there is a problem require our attention to solve, out brain is hardwired to do something. Sitting idle and not doing anything usually makes the person more anxious and uncomfortable. Imagine if someone suddenly lost contact with her child and does not know where the child is, would she be happy to sit there doing nothing or she would do anything that comes into her mind? By suggesting her that she can do something to help find her child, she will feels that she has a purpose and become more positive. Or at least, ease her mind from worrying too much.

So, how do we make use of this effect in our life?

If we sees someone is in a problematic situation, as an advisor, even though there is no actual solution, suggesting some activity for the person to do can often leads to positive outcome. It gives them both hope and something to work on. Don’t tell them there is nothing they can do, because the person will instantly feel vulnerable and depressed.

Give them hope, give them something to do, make their life meaningful.